Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Off to the paint shop

I have decided that my skills as a body repair tech are not what I hoped they would be. So, I decided to bring the car to the professionals, and get the car painted the right way. I found somone in town that is doing it in his shop, and I hope to have it back in two months. I am very excited that I will finally get to drive it, and it will all be one color again!

It will be painted the original silver metallic. I don't want to do anything too extreme, and really want to maintain a sleeper look. When I pull up to the stoplight, nobody will know that there is a fire breathing LT1 smallblock under the hood! Here is a photo from the shop where she is getting sanded down:

I will post more pics as the project progresses!

1 comment:

JimRockford said...

Looks good man, I finally got mine running and driving, and just picked up a 1990 9C1 with a super clean body to transplant all my 89 stuff into and I'll swap and the 90 tbi stuff to the 89 and make that my winter beater. You should drop buy the Impala ss forums, and the 9c1 forums. the 9c1 forms has alot more boxy guys that love this kinda